The picture says it all, although there is no actual fish tank, this school of Salmon were swimming through the dock fingers at Eshamy Bay Lodge! We are in a prime location for viewing these magnificent fish as they make their yearly run to fresh water. This picture also shows an interesting look at our new […]
Put away your umbrella and break out the sunglasses! The weather forecast for Prince William Sound this upcoming weekend is looking good! Low wind and even better seas, so come on out to Eshamy Bay Lodge and stop by to enjoy the sunny days! We all know Alaska weather is ever changing. Take advantage of the […]
Staying in the Alaskan wilderness couldn’t be any easier with Eshamy Bay Lodge being located in the heart of Prince William Sound. Your adventure is always nearby and the options are endless! While staying in this breathtaking setting, relax and enjoy having all of your meals prepared for you. A hot breakfast and dinner will be […]
Yesterday, Captain Duke took out 4 guests staying at Eshamy Bay Lodge for a wildlife tour, and he captured some great pictures of humpback whales breaching! Humpback Whales travel throughout Prince William Sound, Alaska feeding on small fish and plankton. Some days they feel the need to launch themselves completely out of the water and […]
May 2012 This Memorial Weekend we had a group of hunters reserve Eshamy Bay Lodge for their headquarters for Spring Black Bear hunting in Alaska’s Prince William Sound. These 6 guys took advantage of our location and upgraded from camping to sleeping in Cabin rooms and having nearby bathrooms to take advantage of. They stayed […]
Eshamy Bay Lodge introduced the First Fire of the Season Party this year. It took place May 12th and to kick off the season right, we welcomed out everyone to join in on the celebration of spring! We added a pot luck style dinner for the night and had a great variety of food including […]
The Prince William Sound is known for its Alaska Deer Hunting. The Deer Hunting Season is now open for Bucks Aug. 1 – Sept 30 and any Deer Oct. 1 – Dec. 31. the Bag limit is Five Deer Total; Hunt requires Alaska hunting license and Harvest tickets. Let Prince William Sound Taxi transport your […]
We recently enjoyed a sunny day by taking a hike up to Eshamy Lake. The fish are making their way up the stream and therefore the Black Bears are coming out to the water as well! I took some good pictures of the bears and felt grateful for the long zoom lens! No need to get […]
The Sockeye (Red) Salmon are running thick near Eshamy Bay Lodge. We’ve even snagged some from our dock! Come out and get your limit on Red Salmon, while relaxing comfortably at the Lodge. Captain Duke can take you over to prime Sockeye Salmon locations, where there are a multitude of them swimming in schools. Return […]
We’ve had very successful black bear hunts this season. One of the black bears was taken by our very own Captain Duke. He operates the Prince William Sound Taxi out of Eshamy Bay Lodge. Captain Duke left for his hunt early morning on May 26th, 2011 and made it back the same day with a […]